Ken Mehlman


The Power Gays Of New York

As we all await a vote on gay marriage in New York, the New York Observer came out with a wonderful list: the 50 most powerful gay people in New York. They’ve called them “power gays,” and that, my friends, is just fun to say. Here, I’ll use it in a scene. OLD GUY: Is […]


Non-Sequiturs: 08.31.10

* Dahlia Lithwick wonders: Is Justice Ginsburg “The Mother of All Grizzlies”? [Slate] * Five ways to write like David Boies and Ted Olson. [Legal Writing Pro (PDF)] * Speaking of legal writing, do you share our love of corny Bluebook jokes? If so, read this. [Laws for Attorneys] * And speaking of gays, and […]

Akin Gump

Lawyer of the Gay, Er, Day: Ken Mehlman

Back in June, we wrote about the fabulous Chelsea apartment snapped up by prominent Republican lawyer Ken Mehlman. Although his résumé is strewn with achievements — he’s a 1991 graduate of Harvard Law School (just like President Obama), a former partner at Akin Gump, and a current executive vice-president at Kohlberg Kravis Roberts (ka-ching!) — […]

Akin Gump

Lawyerly Lairs: Ken Mehlman Moves to Chelsea

Former Akin Gump partner Ken Mehlman — a 1991 graduate of Harvard Law School, just like Obama, but more known for his work in politics, also like Obama — has purchased a fabulous new Manhattan apartment. Mehlman, a former chairman of the Republican National Committee, is settling in Chelsea, which has raised some eyebrows. So […]